Alkaline mineral water has been proven to be much better than plain water but don't take our word for it, read the scientific studies yourself.
Scientific research proves that alkaline mineral water is best for hydration.
The benefit of alkaline water for hydration has been demonstrated in multiple studies. Research on firefighters and hydration has shown that drinking alkaline water can help firefighters prevent the debilitating dehydration that leads to lethal heart attacks and strokes.
The study, called Effect of Hydration on Whole Blood Viscosity in Firefighters examined 15 healthy, nonsmoking firefighters to see what effect dehydration had on their hearts. The study showed that dehydration makes a firefighter’s heart work harder, because it thickens their blood. Scientists had the firefighters conduct a mock firefight to dehydrate the firefighters. After the firefight, each firefighter received half their bodyweight in ounces of alkaline water. Within 45 minutes, the alkaline water nearly restored all of the firefighters to healthy hydration levels. It would take over an hour for plain water (pH of 7) to restore hydration to the same level.
The findings in Effect of Hydration on Whole Blood Viscosity in Firefighters built upon another study that was conducted on cyclists at Montana State University by Professor Daniel P Heil. The study, called Influence of bottled water on rehydration following a dehydrating bout of cycling exercise compared the effect of drinking alkaline water on dehydration to the effect of drinking plain water on dehydration.
Influence of bottled water on rehydration following a dehydrating bout of cycling exercise examined 10 male cyclists who were an average of 40 years old. Each of the cyclists were put through a dehydrating bout of cycling, until their bodies had lost 2.5% hydration, which is severe dehydration! The cyclists then drank either plain water or alkaline water. In each case, the cyclists that rehydrated with alkaline water gained 17% better hydration than the cyclists that drank plain water. Two weeks later, they tried the experiment again. This time, the cyclists that drank plain water previously drank alkaline water, and vice versa. The result was the same: Cyclists that drank alkaline water had 17% better hydration than cyclists that drank plain water.
-Holsworth, R, , and et al. “Effect of Hydration on Whole Blood Viscosity in Firefighters.” ebscohost. Alternative Therapies, n.d. Web. 27 Dec 2013. <>.
-Heil, P and Seifert, J. Influence of bottled water on rehydration following a dehydrating bout of cycling exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition Springerlink July 2009.
-Heil, D. “Acid-base balance and hydration status following consumption of mineral-based alkaline bottled water..” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 13 Sep 2010. Web. 26 Mar 2014. <>.
Better Bone Health
The strongest scientific evidence to date for the health benefits of alkaline water is the link between alkaline water and bone health. The evidence is so strong that even the Mayo Clinic agrees: There is a link between drinking alkaline water and bone health. Why does the Mayo Clinic say there is a link between drinking alkaline water and healthy bones?
They based their conclusion on four studies:
1. Acid-base balance and hydration status following consumption of mineral-based alkaline bottled water. This study compared the effect of drinking alkaline water on blood and urine pH levels to drinking plain water. The study found that – compared to plain water – drinking alkaline water “improved acid-base balance (i.e., an alkalization of the blood and urine) and hydration status”. Drinking plain water did not have the same alkalizing and hydrating effect that alkaline water did.
2. Alkaline mineral water lowers bone resorption even in calcium sufficiency. Evaluated the effect of water pH on bone loss in people that got enough calcium in their diet. Researchers found that drinking alkaline water reduces bone loss – even if you get enough calcium from your diet!
3. The effect of the alkali load of mineral water on bone metabolism showed that just having a lot of minerals in your water isn’t enough, for good bone health your water must also have a high alkaline pH. The study also showed that water rich in calcium with an acidic pH has little or no benefit for bone health – your water must be alkaline!
4. What impact does pH have on food and nutrition? Showed that the pH of the water you drink and the food you eat affects your body’s pH balance, as measured by urine and blood pH. The study also showed that your pH balance affects your body’s ability to absorb and use nutrients.
-Gumashta, J, R Gumashta, and et al. “Hard water and heart: the story revisited.” IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, n.d. Web. 5 Jul 2013. <>.
-Wynn, E, MA Krieg, JM Aeschlimann, and P Burckhardt. “Alkaline mineral water lowers bone resorption even in calcium sufficiency: alkaline mineral water and bone metabolism.” Bone. Elsevier, 27 Oct 2008. Web. 1 Jul 2013. <>.
-Burckhardt, Peter. “The Effect of the Alkali Load of Mineral Water on Bone Metabolism.” The Journal of Nutrition. American Society for Nutrition, n.d. Web. 26 Mar 2014. <>.
-Cunningham, Elise. “What Impact Does pH Have on Food and Nutrition?.” Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, n.d. Web. 26 Mar 2014. <>.
Alkaline Water Raises The Bodies pH Balance:
Alkaline water raises both blood and urine pH, and it’s that change in pH balance that many health experts believe is the reason alkaline water is good for health. Why do health experts believe the change in pH balance has such a big impact on health? Because there are studies that say so:
The effect of daily consumption of 2 liters of alkaline water for 2 months on body composition and several physiological parameters in four obese subjects Followed four obese middle aged subjects for two months after they started drinking alkaline water. This is what scientist found:
Weight Loss – Average of 12 pounds in two months
Lowered Cholesterol
Detoxification – 10 heavy metals were excreted by test subjects
Reduced bone loss
Improved hydration status
Hydrogen-Rich Water Affected Blood Alkalinity in Physically Active Men. Compared the effect of drinking alkaline water to drinking plain water on blood pH. Researchers found that alkaline water can raise blood pH from 40 -70% inside it’s normal range. Plain water had no effect on blood pH.
Acid-base balance and hydration status following consumption of mineral-based alkaline bottled water. Showed that alkaline water can raise both blood and urine pH. Maintaining an alkaline pH balance improves athletic endurace. This study showed that cyclists had improved their physical endurance with alkaline water.
- Abraham, Guy, and Jorge Flebas. “The effect of daily consumption of 2 liters of alklaine water for 2 months on body composition and several physiological parameters in four obese subjects: a preliminary report.” Highbeam Research. Original Internist, 01 Sep 2011. Web. 2 Jul 2013. <>.
Alkaline Water Helps The Body Detox
Research on the harmful effects of mercury has shown that maintaining an alkaline pH balance can protect the body from mercury’s harmful effects. The body’s ability to expel heavy metals and fluoride is directly related to its pH balance, an alkaline balance enables your body to get rid of harmful toxins:
Hair element concentrations in females in one acid and one alkaline area in southern Sweden compared hair samples from women in Sweden who drank alkaline water to those that drank acidic water. The hair samples showed that women who drank alkaline water absorbed higher amounts of beneficial nutrients like calcium and magnesium. Women who drank acidic water absorbed higher levels of toxic metals like mercury.
The effect of daily consumption of 2 liters of electrolyzed water for 2 months on body composition and several physiological parameters in four obese subjects showed that drinking alkaline water increased the levels of 10 heavy metals being discharged in the test subjects urine. By the end of the study, 2 months later, test subject’s heavy metal levels had declined significantly, suggesting that their bodies were successfully getting rid of the toxic metals.
- Abraham, Guy, and Jorge Flebas. “The effect of daily consumption of 2 liters of alkaline water for 2 months on body composition and several physiological parameters in four obese subjects: a preliminary report.” Highbeam Research. Original Internist, 01 Sep 2011. Web. 2 Jul 2013. <>.
- Rosborg, I, B Nihlgard, and L Gerhardsson. “Hair element concentrations in females in one acid and one alkaline area in southern Sweden.” PubMed NCBI. Ambio, n.d. Web. 3 Jul 2013. <>.